Kingston Norfolk Island →
Reinvigorating one of Australia’s finest heritage sites



Australian National Maritime Museum


Branding & identity / signage


Culture & tourism


The Kingston Historic Area is a place of outstanding heritage value to the people of Norfolk Island, and the Australian and International communities.

One of eleven Australian UNESCO listed convict sites, Kingston Historic area showcases a complex and rich layered history – beginning with Polynesian settlement, subsequent periods of colonial/penal occupation, through to its current Pitcairn inhabitants.

The brand mark (derived from the local craft of flax weaving) distills and represents a complex landscape of interwoven histories, and the convergence of relevant themes - Nature, History, Culture, Community. Combined with the use of local language, the new Kingston identity helps re-frame the islands complex natural and cultural landscape as a vibrant place to live and visit.


Project Role

With the Creative Director and Design Director I worked on the initial concept design of this project. I created the brandmark and worked with the Design Director to develop an initial set of branded applications. I developed the Brand Guidelines and assisted with the art direction of the photography.


Pidgeon Ward