The Greatest Team of All →
Celebrating treasured football history



Geelong Gallery


Exhibition identity / signage / print & digital design


Arts & culture

Designed at

Pidgeon Ward


The Greatest Team of All—treasures from the Bob Gartland Collection, an exhibition by Geelong Gallery, celebrated the 160th anniversary of the Geelong Football Club’s foundation in 1859. The exhibition showcased treasured objects and images from the collection of Bob Gartland that told the stories of the history of the club.

Pidgeon Ward developed an identity for the exhibition based off the famous 1980 Kardinia Park scoreboard, located at the home ground of the club. Directly referencing the grid structure which was derived from the scoring system, the exhibition title, partners and image captions were housed within a graphic interpretation of the scoreboard.

Hero application overlaid imagery with pattern and typography, where as functional application was reversed out of white with dark navy, the colour of the club.


Project role

Worked with the Creative Director at Pidgeon Ward and the Deputy Director at Geelong Gallery to create the identity for this exhibition. Implemented the print, signage and digital applications.


Pidgeon Ward